After two successful UAV competitions in Dubrovnik (2022) and in Warsaw (2023), the ICUAS’24 UAV competition will take place in Chania, Crete, Greece, on June 4-7.
The 2024 Competition details and official rules are now available on GitHub!
The competition will be organized, as before, in two phases. The first phase is the simulation stage. The teams will be provided with a ROS-Gazebo simulation environment, rosbags, and other tools and additional data that will be needed to develop and submit a successful solution. The second phase is the actual experimentation, implementation and testing, stage.
Competition Timeline
- December 2023: UAV Competition information is released, along with all data needed by the teams to start working on the competition solution. This information and data will include, but may not be limited to, the scenario description, the simulation code, competition registration instructions, simulation phase rulebook, and any additional data that may be required.
- January 15, 2024 – Team Registration Deadline: Team registration is a two-step process. Teams must include as part of the registration process an “intermediate submission” in which they provide initial evidence that the team has already started working on the provided scenario.
- February 11, 2024: Full papers / Invited Sessions / Tutorial Proposals submission deadline.
- February 15, 2024 – Simulation Phase Deadline: Teams submit final simulation-based solution for evaluation.
- Early March 2024: Final scenario, logistics and rulebook released to the teams.
- Early April 2024: Following a rigorous evaluation procedure, the finalist teams will be announced, along with details about the actual experimentation phase. This year, the finalist teams will submit a short video experimentally illustrating the scenario solution.
The finalist teams are strongly encouraged to submit an invited paper to the Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems by October 31, 2024.
The UAV competition team is looking forward to seeing and evaluating your great work!